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Dillon Mulroy

Dillon Mulroy

Software Engineer

FP Enthusiast
Neovim User
Content Creator


Dillon is a software engineer @ Vercel and has a decade of experience working primarily in the JavaScript and TypeScript ecosystem(s). He is an enthusiast about functional programming and cares deeply about building reliable, maintainable, and scalable software on both a technical and organization basis. He enjoys sharing and teaching his interests in software to others through mediums such as Twitch and Youtube. He also uses Neovim, btw.

Error Handling

Throw Try/Catch in the 🗑️ Level up your React error handling with the Result type

Tired of guessing if that imported function throws, or maybe you’re losing sleep from being paged for an unhanded promise rejection at 2am? Error handling is insidiously difficult to get right in React and TypeScript.

This talk introduces the Result type - a simple, powerful, and pragmatic game-changer for managing errors in React applications. We'll explore how to leverage Result types in conjunction with React's Error & Suspense Boundaries to create more robust, type-safe, and maintainable code.

Say goodbye to unexpected crashes and hello to graceful, typed, and exhaustive error management that your future self (and your team) will thank you for.

Session Details

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