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Aaron Boodman

Aaron Boodman


Web Pioneer
Sync Expert
React Day-One


Aaron Boodman has been a web developer for over 25 years, and has been working on sync on and off since he helped build Google Gears in 2007 (!!).

He fell in love with React the day it launched and has been on a mission to create the matching data layer every since.

He is currently the CEO of Rocicorp, where he leads development of Replicache and Zero: two sync engines that help web developers create really great UIs.

Sync Engines

Making React Fun Again, with Sync Engines

React won because it was a dramatically more enjoyable way to build UI. But in search of performance, React has accumulated tons of complexity, losing much of its original simple appeal. Sync engines are the fix. They enable absurdly fast – literally instant – UI, but also recapture a lot of the simple joy from React’s first days. Join me to explore several emerging sync engines, and learn how to use them in your next project.

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